
Cefalù becomes the protagonist of the “three days” of this first edition of Vigen wine.

This amazing city will be hosted thirty wineries that produce and promote sicilian wines made by indigenous grapes. A path of knowledge and complete discovery that will be enhanced by natural and architectural landscape beauties.

Vigen will be a stimulating opportunity for wine lovers, for simple lovers, but also for food and wine journalists. An inviting “excuse” to discover or to corroborate the knowledge of the enological beauties of the Sicilian territory through a sensorial and cultural itinerary including tastings, guided tours, conferences, entertainment shows, masterclasses focused on three native grapes (Grillo, Catarratto and Nero d’Avola ) led by the expert sommelier and delegate Ais of Palermo, Luigi Salvo, and a large exhibition of participating companies.

Organized by the association ARCOM (Craftsmen, Traders and Restaurateurs of the city of Cefalù), Vigen will take place at a prestigious site, the former Rectorate of San Domenico, granted for the occasion by the Episcopal Curia of the city.

It is the first time for Sicily for such an event. From Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March, Vigen will debut, a show totally dedicated to the Sicilian native vines and the wines that derive from it.

It is the first time for Sicily for such an event. From Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March, Vigen will debut, a show totally dedicated to the Sicilian native vines and the wines that derive from it.


Friday 22nd March
16.30–22.00 Opening of tasting counters
16.30–21.00 Tasting cocktail with wine by ABI Professional
17.00–20.00 Regional final of the Enogastronomic Trophy “L’Arte del Flambè” by A.M.I.R.A. Cefalu / Madonie
19.00–20.30 Masterclass Grillo, speaker Luigi Salvo (journalist and delegate Ais Palermo)
19.30–20.30 Concert of wind instruments
19.30 Presentation of “The Archaeological City Itinerary” identified and defined by the archaeologist prof. Amedeo Tullio and curated by ArcheoClub d’Italia – Section of Cefalù. Illustration of the Archaeological Cefalù and the last forty years of excavations

Saturday, March 23rd
10.30 Conference “Sicilian durum wheat” history, Anthropology, Gastronomy with the “Italian Kitchen Academy”, speakers prof. Nicola Nocilla and prof. Silvestri
16.30-22.00 Opening of tasting counters
16.30-21.00 Tasting cocktail with wine by A.B.I. Professional
17.00-18.30 Vertical Catarratto “Shiarà” Castellucci Miano, speaker Luigi Salvo (journalist and delegate Ais Palermo)
19.00-20.00 Comedy of wine with puppet theater by the cultural association Roncesvalles
20.00-21.30 Masterclass on Nero d’Avola, speaker Luigi Salvo (journalist and delegate Ais Palermo)
20.30–22.00 Theater performance “The old vinegar” by the Palermo vinegar company, c / o the S. Cicero Theater via Spinuzza

Sunday, March 24th
10.30 Debate with producers, sector operators and journalists
11.30 Delivery of awards to participants
12.00 Aperitif by A.B.I Professional and musical entertainment with Claudio Terzo
16.30-18.30 Aperitif by A.B.I Professional
18.30 Closing concert with the guitarist Francesco Buzzurro

Abbazia Santa Anastasia
Alessandro di Camporeale
Baglio Curatolo Arini
Cantine di Nessuno
Carlo Pellegrino
Caruso & Minini
Castellucci Miano
Cva Canicattì
Di Bella Vini
Fondo Antico
I Vigneri di Salvo Foti
Paolo Calì
Principi di Spadafora
Scammacca del Murgo
Tenute dei Paladini
Tornatore Wine
Valle Delle Ferle

Restaurants:Il Carretto, Tinchitè, La Brace, La Galleria, Il Normanno, Al Porticciolo, Quaglia, Cortile Pepe, Tavernetta, Locanda del Marinaio, Enoteca Rosso Rubino, Bistrot Lilis Club, Bistrot Passafiume, Bistrot Mandralisca 16

Hotels:Hotel Artemis, Hotel Riva del Sole, Hotel Villa Gaia, Hotel Santa Lucia Sabbie D’oro, Hotel Astro Suite, Hotel Pescatore, Hotel Alberi del Paradiso, Massimo Villas Casa vacanze, B&B Casa Barone

For further information:
website: www.vigencefalu.it
Fb: Vigen – Rassegna dei Vini da Vitigni Autoctoni Siciliani